Friday 23 August 2013

There is no turning back now!

Today for a first time, I really started feeling that I'm going. I have just sorted my travel money and have some passport photos taken for visas but only when I came back home and held Thai Bhat and US Dollars in my hands I understood it is now happening for real. So soon. I am so excited!

Regarding my travel finances, I had to give it a long thought and consider all cons and pros. Despite ordering and receiving a brand new card couple of weeks ago which seem to work OK, seeing my old card without any reasons having problems in some of UK cash machines made me carefully prepare for the same thing happening again, this time abroad. Today I converted around 1/3 of my total 3-month budget into: US Dollars (which are widely accepted in South East Asia, sometimes even more desired than local currency), Thai Bhat (as I am planning to book some tours around Thailand in the first few days of being in Bangkok) and US Dollars travellers cheques, which accounted for half of the money I converted today.  Although travelers cheques are a little bit forgotten these days, from what I read online they offer good exchange rates and low charge for conversion at the destination bank (lower than charge taken by your bank when you withdraw money abroad), seem a pretty good option for South East Asia where they are widely accepted, especially that they are refundable in case of being lost or stolen. However before getting too enthusiastic and getting them for your next holiday abroad, it is important to check if they are welcomed as for example some EU countries can be reluctant accepting them.

Now I only need to pack my backpack and get into the airport on time :)

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