Sunday 4 August 2013


For many, experienced and first timers, the final decision of going far away (especially if you realised that you're going on your own) and planning and preparation for the trip, is often a very stressful time. For some reason, for me it is one of my favourite part of the journey. As soon as I know I am going (the tickets are booked and/or I received a final confirmation) immediately in my head the list of all the things I have to do, in a perfect order is created. It is happening without my conscious thinking, and very quickly I just feel like I need to sit down and write it all down, pour it out, let it escape as a perfect plan on a paper. And usually there it is, very rarely it needs any more adjustments. This process is almost effortless. All I have to do now is relax and keep ticking the boxes on the list by doing each and every of this little things I have written down.

Every time I am going away, this very specific feeling is brought to me. The feeling I had for a very first time when I was going hitchhiking with my crazy girlfriends from Krakow to Prague. Then I felt it when one of my (crazy) girlfriend and I left the tour bus that suppose to take us from Sicily to Poland, in Rome. We decided that 2 weeks in Italy is far too short, we needed to make the fun last longer. There was nothing wrong with this, apart from the fact that it was organized holidays, we both literally just turned 18 and our tour guide was responsible to deliver us home. He made us write and sign the official letter that we take responsibility for ourselves. He then said: ‘Maybe you are in your legal age, but you are no adults yet’. Although he was probably right, and we were left completely on our own, in a foreign language city with very little money, it was one of the best holidays in my life so far and I’ll never forget it. Then I had this felling again when I was in the airplane, going to the UK for a very first time, leaving everything behind. This feeling is a very strong mixture of 80% excitement and 20% fear and 100% trust in my inner guidance, intuition and sharp alert for signals of orders I placed in my meditations weeks/days before going. I love to test my spirit and remind myself again how tremendous yet silent power I possess and how beautifully I can shape my reality, literally. And it always works.
In other words, some people love bungee jumping or skydiving which give them adrenaline. I seem to love situations that are nothing but stress for many people like going away on my own (the further the better), moving houses, changing jobs or moving to another city. Even if I am not necessarily doing these things on my own, I still have this sweet knowing that my fate and my future is in my hands. I love it.

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